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April 16, 2007



Dear Ammar,
I know how much sincerer you are about this pot and other posts, but I think the link regarding the Minaret is a flawed link since the site is using sarcastic language intending to make fun of a previous act in the eighties regarding one of the Minaret. Please check it out.

Ammar Abdulhamid

Oops. I think you are indeed right in this. Now this does not undermine the main argument I made. Still, it does show the kind of gaffs one can commit when trying to produce something while overwhelmed with so many other things.

I am not really sure what to do now. Perhaps the best thing to do is to leave the link, knowing that both your comments and mine will help rectify the situation.


The big thug the dirty president said it all today to the Japanese news, he said the change is not priority because we are in an emergency situation since 44 years, and he needs seven more years to bankrupt the country and he needs to appoint Baath Party thieves in the responsibility positions as parliamentary members to help him in this task. So, people you have no alternative and have to wait and wait till he sucks last drop of blood out of you.
Thank you Ammar, you have done the most courageous work to help your country and your fellow citizens. Keep it up and continue, god blesses you and I know your efforts will not go away. Unless a new strong leader is chosen, that country will languish in poverty for many more years.

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