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December 13, 2007



(reposted form the previous article)

“اليكس مو بس غليظ كذاب كمان.”
“اقول لك يا اليكس انه بالفعل لا يوجد اغلظ منك”
“مشان الله حدن يقول من هو اليكس”
“بنصحك يا جولانية تروحي تناضلي بالجولان”
“the young generations of Syrians are all with Ammar”
“اليكس فعلا مثل ام زكي في باب الحارة”

Well, the intellectual level of Ammar’s proponents is really impressive. Such a sweeping statements like “all young Syrians are with Ammar” makes me think whether the idolized Ammar is on his way to becoming megalomaniac, or whether he’ll manage to retract before it’s too late. I really hope so, we’ve got enough megalomaniacs in the Arab world already.

It is assumed (by those who wrote the statements above) that if I don’t agree with Ammar’s association with the American administration’s hardliners, then I must be a Syrian regime supporter.

It couldn’t get more stupid, and more judgmental than this. …

What should happen to me (as a young Syrian) if I don’t support Ammar views? Somebody may run after me with a stick and smack my back into it? it wouldn’t be strange though, after all, Ammar vouches for the necessity of violence….

Ammar: did you by any chance talk to Bush about the occupied Syrian territories? (that is called Golan by the way)…


اقول باي وارجع لارد على الاجدب الكبير اوفندد
واقول له بانني لا اعتقد بان عمارتحدث عن موضووع الاحتلال لانه يعلم وانت تعلم الا ذا كنت اجدب والظاهرانك اجدب ان الجولان هو موضوع يساوم عليه النظام فيا اجدب يعني اسرائيل راح ترجع الجولان اذا عمار حكى مع بوش عليها. بالفعل لم ارى اجدب منك .


شعوري ان اوفندد هو اليكس ل ك مبينة يا اليكس طلاع من هالبواب مو علينا مش معقول شو انك ولد

Ammar Abdulhamid

Offended, I think it is too early in the "game" for me to develop any megalomania tendencies, and should this ever happen, I can assure my wife will the first to disown me. So, you can look to my marriage as a measure of my mental and psychological stability.

Hammam Yousef همّام يوسف

(reposted from previous)


Qoute: “…the most eloquent writers from "the opposition" to contribute to my blogs and forums...”

I don’t know what to feel, finding my self listed among “The opposition!” still I want to make one thing clear, the logic behind G. W. Bush statement: “With us or against us” is the same one behind the Syrian regime exactly-the-same statement, i.e.: “pro-regime, or opposition”

For me, to be on the side of civil society, basic human rights, the rule of law, fighting corruption, achieving development and prosperity; is a noble stand and should not be regarded as “opposition” to Syrian “regime!” on the contrary, it should be regarded as support for the goals the regime had declared through it’s head, President Bashar! Labeling me –or finding me to be- as an opposition means one thing, THE REGIME ITSELF IS ANTI ALL THE GOALS IT DECLARED!! So who is shouting slogans after all!!?

Another Qoute: “If you see a friend of yours at school hanging around with criminals and drug dealers all the time ... wouldn't you ask him to clarify what is going on? .. wouldn't you ask him if he is working with them? wouldn't you worry that they are using him to do bad things?”

I add to the above, and when you see this friend, beating people to death in the streets, delivering corpses of kidnapped-then-tortured people to their families, suffocating peoples freedoms of speech and extorting the nations wealth, shaking hands with their own declared enemy and having secret deals with it… I can go on for a while and you know I can. And,Yes… I more than agree with you, But wait!!.... all the above applies exactly on the Syrian regime too now, doesn’t it!?

So tell me Alex, what excuse you have now for the regime?

I say again, the Syrian regime is not my main problem, you are making it this way and probably the regime is making it’s own enemies too.

My question to you (and lets throw it to Imad Mustafa too) again: If you were invited to meet the US administration, in it’s current shape, what would you do?

Another one since I am at it, how come the Syrian regime accepted to attend Annapolis summit, knowing that they won’t be able to put Golan Heights on the agenda?

The criminals in “Qasr el Sha3b” are not better that the criminals in “The White House”


“he’ll, soon he know better not to do this”
Ammar, you do not have to explain yourself to others. And others have to wise up and stop thinking like they are the custodian over you and over the whole nation, exactly like the regime in Syria who categorize people as good people and bad people, and of course considering themselves as the protectors and the clan who think for us all.

And this story with the Golan, like if they talk about it and we talk about it, it will be returned tomorrow. For how long people will get fooled and keep silenced regarding other important issues in our lives in the name of working on something lost by the same people who are silencing us. What a trick.

Have mercy on our people under occupation, who did not see their relatives for ages and after that, the government in Syria prohibit facebook and Skype, so they can not see or communicate with their relatives.


Thanks Ammar. Thanks for taking the time to explain.

I know I sounded patronizing. I am few months older than you : )

Let me start by posting the first part of my first comment yesterday:


I can not blame you for meeting President Bush... everyone, even Syrian officials would love to meet President Bush.

And I have no problem with your asking the president to raise human rights issues with the Syrian officials that the American administration officials will be meeting with in the future. I even talked to you about exactly the same thing last year.

But ... your visit was promoted by the National Security Advisor Steven Hadley, and Deputy National Security Advisor Elliott Abrams

Nothing good can come out of the efforts promoted by these two ... These are the two of the main reasons why we have chaos in the Middle East and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis

So I was not as critical as most of the other Syrian bloggers. Was I? ... I made a distinction between meeting President Bush and ... working with Hadley and Abrams.

This should also answer Hammam's repeated question ... I already answered it in my first comment Hammam. And I will get back to your other points later.

Back to Ammar.

While it is understandable that you HAVE TO "work with" whoever is in power in Washington, there is no easy way to explain the degree to which you are attached to them. Everything around you is neocon ...Washington has lots of reasonable officials ... why pick the worst war criminals to work with? .. because they say they claim they care about democracy in Syria?

By the way, at this point, I have less "fears" ... the mood in Washington changed enough to make me not worry much about war scenarios. Hadley and Abrams are weaker now.

I do not fear American pressure on Syria to improve its human rights position. I support it. Because it is a positive thing and your efforts, if they are limited to this level, would be great.

But I object to "DON'T talk t Syria and DON'T promote a Syrian/Israeli peace process".

Back to Hammam ... I think you need some help with Math my friend.

You are rightly furious at what is happening here ... but to compare it unfavorably to the numbers and severity and frequency of these would be a bit too much.

And finally ... did you get upset at me for a technicality? .. because I called you "opposition" to the regime? .. I was only trying to say that you are one of the more eloquent critics of the regime. I'm sorry you found it to be very offensive.


I really respect you a lot...


et oui chér ammar , cette rencontre avec le Président américain fait descendre beaucoup d encre
Comme d'habitude ammar aller toujour plus haut


We need more people like you !


Thank you, Ammar, for your courage, broadness of view and generosity of spirit. You know I speak for others as well as myself.

Hammam Yousef همّام يوسف


I was not offended actually, I just wanted to point out how it is easy to classify people and put them on the opposite side, when you are convinced that all those who have different views/ Ideas than you are your enemies! And I don’t mean you dear Alex, although some times your slip in this way.

Second, so you are telling us that you would meet with Bush, but only on one condition… the invitation should not come through Hadley nor Abrams, fine, but what if it did? And does it mean that you are working with these two if you were invited through them?

As for the math help…. mmm…

So you are suggesting that less number of victims means “better” criminal… mmm… and I have to like the one with less frequent mass murders!! mmm… Don’t you think this is a twisted thinking!

Lets imagine that ASSad regime has the military power of the US… what do you expect them to do with their little neighbor Lebanon? especially if there were some uprisings!?
I say, Hama example is not very far in history!

What I want to say, my friend Alex, is: The mentality is the same, what matters is not the number of people you murder, it is the ability to commit the crimes. I hope it was not necessary to explain this to you, but I felt I have to.



Bush today asks Syrian Government to release all political prisoners.
Thank you Ammar.


Ammar, keep doing what you are doing, you are the only one right now with courage to stand up oppression and hegemony in civil and smart way. I might not like anyone from the opposition, or from the dissents, or the opposition parties, but I like what you doing and to concentrate the fights on the right of Syrians to speak their minds who ever they are. It is not a struggle for ideas or positions; it is struggle for 101 freedom of being. It is a fight well overdue and delayed so far 50 years, but time changed and young people need someone like you and your work in Tharwa. Do not let some people with one ball discourage you.



I disagree ... I do not have enemies :)

Maybe I have enemies ... very few... they have to insist to refuse to become my friends before I accept to call them my enemies.

Can you please tell me of a couple of people that I disagreed with and that I called my enemies?

Hadely and Abrams are Syria's enemies, not mine.

Let's go back to your question:

Second, so you are telling us that you would meet with Bush, but only on one condition… the invitation should not come through Hadley nor Abrams, fine, but what if it did? And does it mean that you are working with these two if you were invited through them?

Hammam ... we are not in lalaland here. If you don't understand what is going on in Washington, ask Ammar.

And finally ... your conviction that "they would kill more if they were more powerful" is without solid foundation.

In science, or in behavioral research, if someone comes up with a hypothesis, it is "accepted" after it passes many many tests. If it fails one test, then it needs to be modified. Let me show you how your hypothesis failed a test or two:

1) When Syria was awarded full control of Lebanon after the first gulf war. when Syria had 40,000+ soldiers in that country ... Gebran Toueini and Ghassan toueini were writing many pieces very critical of the Syrian regime... Did Syria harm them?
Now please don't rush to find me examples of Lebanese leaders that Syria (probably) killed (like Kamal Jumblatt) ... the idea here is to find examples that your theory is not totally valid.

Remember when the Lebanese people demonstrated in downtown Beirut ... the Syrian army and it sallies int he Lebanese army allowed all those demonstrations.

Hama can not be repeated today .. that was a different world... over 25 years ago ... the world changes fast Hammam. It was not that recent, even if "the regime" is still there.

Hammam Yousef همّام يوسف


very fast... Hadley and Abrams are not Syria's enemies only, and I was not defending them in anyway my friend :)

I am not keen on having the last word, so I won't try to explain more how the syrian regime falls in the same catagory with the US current administration, at least for me. Hama may have happend 25 years ago, but for those who lost a dear one, it is still alive, any way this is not the point.

my position is... I will not choose to side with the Syrian regime (in it's current state) just because the neocons are really bad. there is no other country for us to go as Syrian citizins but Syria, we want our country/ leadership to try to please us first, to get OUR support, to hear US SYRINAS, to negociate with US SYRIANS. This is the real solution for the country's stability problem. not any other way.

Do those in the leadership know this, or they will continue on their path to hell!??

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