Jana Hybaskova
Situation in the Middle East has not improved substantially since September 2000. September 11 and following Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom operations have not brought positive change. Postcolonial disarray did not allow for Middle Eastern societies to accept modernity, to dress up modern identity as quickly as did the Central and Eastern European Countries after the fall of Berlin Wall.
Democratization process thus cannot be achieved through minimal adjustments of the existing political systems, allowing for a bit more respect for individual human rights, easier registration of NGOs or even political parties, or more open electoral systems. The real change is about holistic approach to modernity: development of economic, social, educational systems, industrialization, taxation, open market and deep transformation of justice and legal affaires or enforcement of law. There is no quick fix or shortcut for the Middle East. Only a series of patient, perfectly tailored, well controlled, effective small steps can allow for achieving basic level of stabilization, which can in middle term period lead to progressive modernization and general improvement.
With such presumption the Mashreq delegation of the European parliament recently traveled to Syria. The purpose was to learn in depth current situation inside Syria, its political and economic reforms, social situation, regional role of Syria, relations with Lebanon, freedom of expression, situation of minorities and individual human rights situations, situation of dissidents. The other aim was to asses: what we, the European parliamentarians, can directly do, what could be these perfectly tailored small steps that we can come up with and recommend on European basis, what parts of budget we approve can, what kind of policy we can recommend to the Council and the Commission.
At the heart of our work was to get a clear answer to the question whether to ratify or not the EU association agreement with Syria. To open up more, to bring current Syria closer, to end our so far firm NO, in political terms to listen more to German or French Socialist voice. It is true that the EU Mediterranean policy is still far bigger arena for Socialists than for Christian Democrats. The head of delegation, Beatrice Patrie, is a member of the French Socialist Party. Natural tendency among its members was hence to bring home some good news, to recommend ratification, to embark for general opening.
Promises given after the Baath party Congress in June 2005 served as the launch pad for assessment. We started questioning economic development. Staying in the new hotel Four Seasons in Damascus, we saw new shopping molls, with Porsche cars, beautifully dressed young ladies, accompanied by even better dressed young businessmen. In meeting with the vice PM Mr. Dardari, we asked many questions linked to the Syrian economy. He replied: "It is good for Europeans to invest here, otherwise all will be in China, you know, our economy is growing very fast." Neither had he mentioned how it comes if two largest telecom rivals are actually owned by same proxy to ruling family. "What about the budget? Is it public?" "Yes. This year we will publish general state budget." "Including military expenditures?" "Yes, including general expenditures, of course, no details." "How can one get it?" "Every citizen can write a letter to the Parliament, or to the Ministry of Finance, and will get the answer." My advice to Syrians: please, write letters to Mr. Dardari, asking for general budget of the Republic of Syria. I asked whether the Damascus Declaration members are consulted in debates about economic reform and I got a strange answer. "Syria is a special country; we can not have freedom of press comparable to Europe." Long explanation followed, why the freedom of press in Syria must be totally different form Europe.
Administrative reform, meaning necessary decentralization, power to regions, would be of great benefit for Syria. "Where are we with promises of the last congress?" No administrative reform has started. It is being negotiated in the Syrian parliament. "When is it due?" No answer. The law on political pluralism allowing for registration rival political bodies to Baath party was promised as well by the president during the congress. "When is the draft due?" No answer.
Anything we touched, answer was similar. Syria is different. Syria is unique. As such it quite clearly can not be a normal, equal member of the international community, of community of states in the Middle East. Syria is so different that it can pursue its relations with its neighborhood differently than normal states. It reserves for itself the right to interfere, to collaborate openly with terrorists. With its fragile perception of uniqueness it painted itself into the corner: "there is no peace without Syria." Message given was clear: "you, Europe, you can do anything in the Middle East. You can talk to Lebanon, work on Israeli Palestinian issue. You can try to stop extremism, support Arab Initiative. If you do it without accepting unique Syrian conditions, we will destroy any of your efforts. We will not allow you to bring any peace to the region. There is no peace without Syria.
Modernity, modern identity can come only in a Syrian way. So prepared we entered presidential palace. President Assad was elaborating his ideas: "Iran is our friend already from the period of Iraqi-Iranian war. Iran stays with us. You, Europe, you left us. We do not see any reason why not continue our friendship with Iran. Iran has the right for civilian nuclear power. It has the right for civilian enrichment. The time is not ripe for improving relations with Lebanon. Having embassy there would be a sign of good relations. There are many Lebanese hostile to Syria. If I had the embassy in Beirut I would close it," said the president. "We want to continue talks with Israel, please tell them. There is no peace without Syria."
"Mr. President, what about Michel Kilo, Anwar Bunni, Kamil Labwani? Are you ready to grant them pardon?" "They met in Lebanon, where they co-signed the invitation letter to Americans to occupy Syria. Till they confess it, I will not let them go out of prison." "And role of Russia?" "EU does not recognize the idea that there will be no peace without Syria. EU plays no role. Russia represents a good balance." There was no sign of interaction, readiness to listen, to collaborate, to quit uniqueness, to be normal modern state of the normal modern Middle East. Officials, whom we met, do not represent modernity. They represent the opposite: keeping Syria in martial law, in hostile relations with Lebanon and Israel, collaboration with terrorism, economic racketeering, and open door to Russian military presence.
Later we met officially with Ryiad Sayfi, and others, Muslims, Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis, representing the Damascus Declaration. Even though facing terrible repercussions, they were grateful to meet us. "This meeting gives us a lot of recognition." I realized that we have to find, to nourish, and to work with alternative partners. Well tailored, result oriented democratic cooperation with the conglomerate of dissidents group, now unified under umbrella of the Damascus Declaration, represents thus for me modern solution for making Syria part of the peace.
Jana Hybaskova is a member of the European Parliament.
Al-Hayat - 21/11/07